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People Over Profit

People Over Profit

We’re living through a truly unprecedented time in history and as daunting as the challenges seem- the amazing stories we have heard on survival, resilience and yes, even joy in the time of Corona- fill us with hope and awe. We have so much empathy for those who have been affected by COVID-19 and like you, we are also deeply grateful for our fearless front-liners doing everything to keep us safe.

Since this start of the quarantine period, we remain steadfast in our commitment to transparency and positive impact. We keep weaving forward grounded on our values and committed to choosing people over profit. We have continuously prioritized the health, safety and financial well being of our people and partners. We readily gave reusable masks, care packages to our production and support team, and set up a decentralized supply chain to allow our seamstresses to borrow sewing machines and work from home. The A-Team has slowly started to find rhythm brainstorming on ways we can support our neighboring local communities. Our mobile team is shuttled from their homes to ANTHILL twice a week to facilitate the packing and delivery of masks and other products while following health, security, and safety measures.

The mask production has been the lifeblood of our livelihood. With the power of your purchase and support to us, we have kept the A-Team intact, keeping our jobs to support our families.

Drawing from the strength of compassion and community, we have taken these creative initiatives to support sustainable livelihood, our fellow small businesses and further give back to our neighboring communities in our own little way

Weaving as one community, we bring together a self-care kit for you with calming herbal teas from fellow social enterprise Tsaa Laya, an air-purifying spray from Luna Maia, and inspirational cards from hand- lettering artist Abbey Sy, Woven from Abaca Pinanggabol by our partner Daraghuyan Bukidnon Tribe, the buckets can alternatively serve as a planter, tote or lunch bag. 20% of the sales of the Bayanihan Bucket will be donated to The Rice Movement, a local initiative in Cebu that provides kilos of rice for displaced workers and their families.

Our gift cards offer you a gift that gives threefold. Your purchase holds (1) the gift of protection as we raise funds for 400 masks to provide for our barangay front liners in Brgy Camputhaw and Brgy Tisa, barangays where most of our seamstresses and our partners at HOME Plush Toys reside, (2) the gift of sustainable livelihood as it provides income for the household of our production team and partners and (3) the gift of weave for you or your loved ones. 10% of our target 200 gift cards will be used to produce the needed masks! Our Gift Cards come in PHP 500 denomination available with no expiration.

We choose not to count the costs and instead count our blessings. We are grateful that we still have our online channels available to connect with you.

We carry on and continue being storytellers. We weave as one community and we keep weaving forward to serve you.

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